
Our not to be changed datalayer returns the DateTime.Mindate when the record's column has a NULL value. So when you put a null value in a record's column and you read it again, you get 01-01-0001.

When binding this value to a DevExpress.XtraEditors.TextEdit control this value (01-01-0001) ofcourse is displayed in the control.

Now we want to show the control as being empty (no content), but i don't know how to achieve that.

I did find out that you can set a custom display text for the control when the object's attribute is NULL, but that doesn't work ofcourse because the value is 01-01-0001 and not null.

So in short: if it's a date with the value of 01-01-0001, show nothing in the control, otherwise, show the date.

Any ideas?


2 Answers


You can handle the FormatEditValue event to format the date in the way you want.

In the other direction, you use the ParseEditValue event to parse user input.


You could use a DateEdit control instead of a TextEdit

Set the NullDate property to 1-1-0001

Turn off the drop down button in the "Buttons" settings if you do not require it. It will then look just like a TextEdit.
