How can I implement MilesJ's Forum Plugin with CakeDC's Users Plugin?
- The CakeDC Users Plugin works fine.
- The MilesJ's Forum Plugin used to work with the previous self-written Users system (not using a plugin)
The instructions for implement the Forum Plugin at It does not however anticipate the Users system using a Plugin.
This is the model "AppUser" (name forced by CakeDC):
App::uses('User', 'Users.Model'); class AppUser extends User { public $useTable = 'users'; public $hasOne = array('Forum.Profile'); public $hasMany = array('Forum.Access','Forum.Moderator')); }
I keep on getting the following errors...
Warning (512): Model "User" is not associated with model "Profile" [CORE\Cake\Model\Behavior\ContainableBehavior.php, line 339] Warning (512): Model "User" is not associated with model "Access" [CORE\Cake\Model\Behavior\ContainableBehavior.php, line 339] Warning (512): Model "User" is not associated with model "Profile" [CORE\Cake\Model\Behavior\ContainableBehavior.php, line 339] Warning (512): Model "User" is not associated with model "Access" [CORE\Cake\Model\Behavior\ContainableBehavior.php, line 339]
How can I be sure to have the proper relations between the Forum and Users plug-in?