I have a QThread defined in MyThread.cpp and .h. There I have a private QTcpSocket.
class MyThread: public QThread {
virtual ~MyThread();
public slots:
void reconnect();
void run(void);
QTcpSocket *socket;
void MyThread::run(void) {
bool connected = false;
connected = prepareSocket(QString::fromLatin1((Global::directionIPSerialServer).toLocal8Bit().data()), 8008, socket);
On the other hand, I have a set of functions defined in Functions.cpp and .h, which are not defined into a Functions class, but a namespace.
bool Functions::prepareSocket(QString address, int port, QTcpSocket *socket) {
socket->connectToHost(address, port);
qDebug()<<"Error: "<<socket->errorString();
return false;
return true;
Then, correct me if I'm wrong, when I call a function into Functions to connect the MyThread's QTcpSocket to a host, I'm supposing I am on the same thread, since I'm calling the function from the thread I've created and not a different one.
Despite this, on socket->connectToHost I am getting QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread. twice.
Why is that? What's wrong?