
I have faced a problem when setting up 'dragImage' in HTML5 drag and drop as div element. The problem is that when helper - 1st argument of setDragImage(helper, x, y) function is not presented in the dom or is hidden, it's not visible when 'dragstart' event is fired. Have a look at my fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/AemN5/10/

In the fiddle I am rendering helper (it's colored into yellow), than try to drag green draggable box, helper is attached to the mouse when drag starts. However, try to click on the button above the helper to hide helper. Than try again dragging green draggable box - no helper is attached to my mouse.

Any thoughts why it's happening and more important how to solve the problem? As my main goal is to have invisible helper and only when user start dragging make it visible attached to the cursor.


2 Answers


Try doing like this..
chrome requires the image to be displayed atleast until the drag is started.

$("[draggable]").on("dragstart", function(e) {

    e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setDragImage(helper, 50, 50);
