We have many Sequence diagrams created inside Enterprise Architect(EA) and were displayed properly on EA earlier. Recently, not sure why, but all the sequence diagrams got corrupted and seems to have message connectors missing in them.
I have also mailed the enterprise architect support team about this and they said-
See the "Sequence Diagrams and Version Control" topic in EA's help. Please confirm that your sequence diagrams are modelled as described.
- I have checked the topic suggested by support team and the Sequence Diagram are modeled properly as in the user guide with all element imstances in the same package as the diagram.
- I have also checked if any changes were made recently in SVN but there are none.
- There might be possibility that some changes were checked in directly by some of my co-worker inside database, but tracking it doesn't seems possible as the DB doesn't have history tables.
The problem is none of the Sequence Diagram now are showing message connectors. I will be writing back to support team but will appreciate if any help/pointers to solve it.