I want to provide the same image resources/drawables to both drawable-xlarge-mdpi AND drawable-sw600dp-mdpi.
It seems the only way I can do this is by creating two folders under res/ and copying the same set of resources into each folder.
With layouts we can do aliasing. I.e. creating a file called layout.xml in the values folder with specific qualifiers and adding items to point to a single layout file for both qualifiers:
- values-xlarge\values.xml
- values-sw600dp\values.xml
The contents of both files would be something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item name="activity_shows" type="layout">@layout/activity_shows_tablet</item>
(Devices matching xlarge or devices matching sw600dp would now use activity_shows_tablet.xml as the layout file for "activity_shows")
Is there a similar approach for drawables?