
I am using JRuby 1.6.7, ActiveRecord 3.2.3, activerecord-jdbc-adapter 1.2.2, activerecord-jdbcsqlanywhere-adapter-1.1.1 and the current Sybase JDBC4 driver. Using a full Ruby On Rails application is not an option at this time. I am getting the following error when I run my unit tests.

    NoMethodError: undefined method `find_by_configuration_name' for #
      method_missing at org/jruby/RubyBasicObject.java:1687
      method_missing at /home/lynchcs/.rvm/gems/jruby-

I am able to perform a schema dump in my unit tests which correctly identifies the table. Here is the schema for the table.

      create_table "THE_CONFIGURATION", :primary_key => "CONFIGURATION_ID", :force => true do |t|
        t.string "CONFIGURATION_GROUP", :limit => 32
        t.string "CONFIGURATION_TYPE",  :limit => 32
        t.string "CONFIGURATION_NAME",  :limit => 32
        t.string "CONFIGURATION_TEXT",  :limit => 7168

Here is the model I built for it.

    require 'rubygems'
    require 'active_record'

    class Configuration < ActiveRecord::Base
      self.table_name = 'SOART_CONFIGURATION'
      self.primary_key = 'configuration_id'

Here is the class I used to manage my connections. This class does successfully connect to the database and execute the query.

    require 'java'
    require 'rubygems'
    require 'active_record'

    class ConnectionMaster
      def test_object

      def set_connection
        :adapter => 'jdbc' ,
        :driver => 'com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver' ,
        :url => 'jdbc:sybase:Tds:' ,
        :username => 'noneya' ,
        :password => 'noneya'
        ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT 'ARBITRARY' AS ARBITRARY")

      def clear_connections


It will error when "config = Configuration.find_by_configuration_name('test')" is executed. If you comment out this line it will error out on the "config.configuration_text" line.

      public void testRubyDatabaseQuery() {
        String theValue = "test";
        String jrubyCode =
        "require 'connection_master' \n"
        + "require 'configuration' \n"
        + "cm = ConnectionMaster.new \n"
        + "cm.set_connection \n"
        + "puts 'black cow of revenge' \n"
        + "config = Configuration.find(:all,:conditions => ['configuration_name=?','test']) \n"
        + "config = Configuration.find_by_configuration_name('test') \n"
        + "puts 'red cow of revenge' \n"
        + "cm.clear_connections \n"
        + "config.configuration_text \n";
        String executeValue = (String)JRubyMaster.execute(jrubyCode);
        this.assertEquals("executeValue and theValue do not match.", theValue, executeValue);


1 Answers


While building the question I found my own answer:) I felt it was interesting enough to go ahead to post both question and answer.

In my first effort I used activerecord-jdbc-adapter and the problem was I was using "Configuration.find_by_configuration_name" and what it was building was "Configuration.find_by_CONFIGURATION_NAME" the same for "config.configuration_text". The column names where capitalized in the database and activerecord-jdbc-adapter created the methods with the capitalization. Once that change was made it started throwing and invalid sql error due to the use of "LIMIT".

I then switched to using activerecord-jdbcsqlanywhere-adapter and it worked with "Configuration.find_by_configuration_name" and "config.configuration_text" but the unit test was then failing. This was due to it building "returnValue[0]['arbitrary']" rather than "returnValue[0]['ARBITRARY']" despite that my query was "SELECT 'ARBITRARY' AS ARBITRARY". activerecord-jdbcsqlanywhere-adapter is forcing everything to be lowercase.