
I am using libconfig to read/wirte config files in my C++ game.

Right now I just have this one config file called video.cfg:

#Video config file
      limited = true;
      value = 20;

This config file handles the video settings of the game.

I am trying to write a very basic console program that modifies this values based on user input. However I have no idea how to do this. I can't find anything in libconfig manual and nothing on Google.

So how do you edit values in Libconfig?

you could read the config file using libconfig and modify the values based on user input and write it back to the same file.deebee
Did you read the docs? There are examples of reading and writing that come with libconfig. The C API is also very straight forward. config_read_file and config_write_file are probably what you're interested in. hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.htmldgnorton

2 Answers

#include <libconfig.h>

int main() {
   config_t cfg;
   config_setting_t *vid_fps_lim = 0;
   config_setting_t *vid_fps_val = 0;


   if (config_read_file(&cfg, "myconfig") == CONFIG_TRUE) {

      /* lookup the settings we want */
      vid_fps_lim = config_lookup(&cfg, "video.fps.limited");
      vid_fps_val = config_lookup(&cfg, "video.fps.value");

      /* print the current settings */
      printf("video.fps.limited = %i\n", config_setting_get_bool(vid_fps_lim));
      printf("video.fps.value = %i\n", config_setting_get_int(vid_fps_val));

      /* modify the settings */
      config_setting_set_bool(vid_fps_lim, 1);
      config_setting_set_int(vid_fps_val, 60);

      /* write the modified config back */
      config_write_file(&cfg, "myconfig");


   return 0;

I named the file "lcex.c" and the config file "myconfig" It builds and runs on my Debian Linux machine using the following...

gcc `pkg-config --cflags libconfig` lcex.c -o lcex `pkg-config --libs libconfig`


Open your config file after running the app and you should see that the values have been updated.

Disclaimer...error handling left out to make it easier to read. I didn't build with -Wall, etc. As with any API, read the docs and handle potential errors.


I came across this question while searching for a way to have libconfig write output to a string instead of a file. I see that there's no acceptable answer here, so I thought I would provide one for posterity, even though the question is over 3 years old.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>

#include "libconfig.h++"

main (void) {
    libconfig::Config config;
    std::string file = "test.conf";

    try {

        libconfig::Setting &limited = config.lookup("video.fps.limited");
        libconfig::Setting &value = config.lookup("video.fps.value");

        limited = false;
        value = 60;

    catch (...) {
        // Do something reasonable with exceptions here.  Do not catch (...)

    return 0;

Hope that helps someone!