
I want to pay my customers with Paypal Payment Pro , I mean send some money from my Merchant account to a Personnal account . At the momment i just can ask the client to give his credit card infromations ane send the money to my Merchant account but I want the reverse.

PS : I use Django WPP https://github.com/johnboxall/django-paypal

"I want to pay my customers". Er, business: you're doing it wrong.Daniel Roseman
Are you trying to do a refund?super9

2 Answers


Use Mass Payments. I was looking at this site to figure out how to use it with django. It worked like a charm. Your customers need to have paypal accounts though, but I don't think that's an issue if you're paying them.


That's not how the PayPal Payment Pro API works. It allows you to accept money, not to send money. You want to use Mass Payments or the Adaptive Payments API.