
I'm currently attempting to read certain properties from Outlook Contact objects through Microsoft's EWS managed API. I retrieve these Contact objects from the FindItems() function. Some of these fields are extended properties such as the Title or User1 field and I'm having difficulty reading them. At the moment, I have:

Guid propertySetId = new Guid("{00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}");
ExtendedPropertyDefinition titleProp = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(propertySetId, 0x3A45, MapiPropertyType.String);
ExtendedPropertyDefinition user1Prop = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(propertySetId, 0x804F, MapiPropertyType.String);

string title, user1;
contact.TryGetProperty(titleProp, out title);
contact.TryGetProperty(user1Prop, out user1);

When running this, TryGetProperty always returns false. I have verified that these fields are populated in Outlook for the contacts that I am searching for.

Edit: This is how I retrieve the contact objects.

ExchangeService service = //...
Mailbox userMailbox = new Mailbox(emailAddress);
FolderId folderId = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Contacts, userMailbox);
FindItemsResults<Item> results;
const string AQS = "Category:~>\"CategoryTag\"";
ItemView view = new ItemView(200);
results = service.FindItems(folderId, AQS, view);
foreach (var result in results)
    Contact contact = result as Contact;
    //...Try to read fields
You need to include the code for Contact.Bind() or however you are getting your contact field reference.SliverNinja - MSFT

1 Answers


You need to change the ItemView to include the properties (PropertySet) you wish to access.

var user1Val = string.Empty;
var user1Prop = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(DefaultExtendedPropertySet.Address, 0x804F, MapiPropertyType.String);
ExtendedPropertyDefinition[] extendedFields = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition[] { user1Prop };
PropertySet extendedPropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties, extendedFields);
ItemView view = new ItemView(200) { PropertySet = extendedPropertySet };
// ...
var title = contact.CompleteName.Title; // Title value
contact.TryGetProperty(user1Prop, out user1Val); // user field 1 value