
I am using Tomcat 7 / JDBCRealm authentication in clear text (development/controlled environment). Now I want to upload the web app to my hosted environment so I need to digest the passwords.

I added 'digest="MD5"' to the realm section in server.xml and tested with some accounts by replacing the existing clear text password with one digested using MySQL's MD5() function.

This went OK.

When I tried SHA2 ('digest="SHA2"' in server.xml, and MySQL's SHA2() function to digest passwords in the table), I kept getting login failures. I tried MySQL's SHA2(pwd,224), SHA2(pwd,256), ...384, ...515 and none worked.

My web search for tomcat JDBCRealm /digest property was not very informative.

What did I do wrong?


1 Answers


Look in the Tomcat logs for the message that tells you SHA-2 is not a valid algorithm. If there is no such message, please raise a Tomcat bug.

You need to use one of the following:

  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512

Obviously, you'll need to use the corresponding digest in MySQL.