
i'm trying to implement SpaceGallery script. WWW: http://www.eyecon.ro/spacegallery/. It takes the images from #div and make the slide like on online demo. Part of my HTML file:

    <div id="myGallery0" class="spacegallery">      
<img class="imaz" src="ADDITIONAL.jpg" alt="" atr1="lupa" />    
<img class="aaa" src=images/bw1.jpg alt="" atr1="bw1" />
<img class="aaa" src=images/bw2.jpg alt="" atr1="bw2" />
<img class="aaa" src=images/bw3.jpg alt="" atr1="bw3" />

        <div id="myGallery1" class="spacegallery">      
<img class="imaz" src="ADDITIONAL.jpg" alt="" atr1="lupa" />
<img class="aaa" src=images3/bw1.jpg alt="" atr1="bw1" />
<img class="aaa" src=images3/bw2.jpg alt="" atr1="bw2" />
<img class="aaa" src=images3/lights2.jpg alt="" atr1="bw3" />

    var initLayout = function() {
        $('#myGallery0').spacegallery({loadingClass: 'loading'});
        $('#myGallery1').spacegallery({loadingClass: 'loading'});
        EYE.register(initLayout, 'init');

And now, the script works good when I'm calling $('img.aaa')! The script slides only images from it's own ID (mygallery0 or mygallery1). Let's say I have the following .onclick thing in my main .js file.


And when i'm sliding the images in one of my galleries (mygaller0 or mygallery1), the img "ADDITIONAL.jpg" (it's class = imaz) fadeOuts in all of my galleries! Why is that? How to fix it?



        spacegallery: {

            //default options (many options are controled via CSS)
            defaults: {
                border: 6, // border arround the image
                perspective: 100, // perpective height
                minScale: 0.1, // minimum scale for the image in the back
                duration: 800, // aimation duration
                loadingClass: null, // CSS class applied to the element while looading images
                before: function(){
                    return false
                after: function(el){    
                    return false

            animated: false,

            //position images 
            positionImages: function(el) {

                var top = 0;

                EYE.spacegallery.animated = false;

                            console.log('WYSOKOSC ' + $(this).attr('height'));

                            var newWidth = this.spacegallery.origWidth - (this.spacegallery.origWidth - this.spacegallery.origWidth * el.spacegalleryCfg.minScale) * el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr];

                                    top: el.spacegalleryCfg.tops[nr] + 'px',
                                    marginLeft: - parseInt((newWidth + el.spacegalleryCfg.border)/2, 10) + 'px',
                                    opacity: 1 - el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr]
                                .attr('width', parseInt(newWidth));
                            this.spacegallery.next = el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr+1];
                            this.spacegallery.nextTop = el.spacegalleryCfg.tops[nr+1] - el.spacegalleryCfg.tops[nr];
                            this.spacegallery.origTop = el.spacegalleryCfg.tops[nr];
                            this.spacegallery.opacity = 1 - el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr];
                            this.spacegallery.increment = el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr] - this.spacegallery.next;
                            this.spacegallery.current = el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr];
                            this.spacegallery.width = newWidth;


            //animate to nex image
            next: function(e) {
                if (EYE.spacegallery.animated === false) {
                    EYE.spacegallery.animated = true;

                    var el = this.parentNode;

                        .css('spacegallery', 0)
                            spacegallery: 100
                            easing: 'easeOut',
                            duration: el.spacegalleryCfg.duration,
                            complete: function() {



                            step: function(now) {

                                $('img.aaa', this)

                                        console.log('step: ' + $(this).attr('atr1'));

                                        var newWidth, top, next;
                                        if (nr + 1 == el.spacegalleryCfg.images) {
                                            top = this.spacegallery.origTop + this.spacegallery.nextTop * 4 * now /100;
                                            newWidth = this.spacegallery.width * top / this.spacegallery.origTop;
                                                    top: top + 'px',
                                                    opacity: 0.7 - now/100,
                                                    marginLeft: - parseInt((newWidth + el.spacegalleryCfg.border)/2, 10) + 'px'
                                                .attr('width', newWidth);

                                        else {
                                            next = this.spacegallery.current - this.spacegallery.increment * now /100;
                                            newWidth = this.spacegallery.origWidth - (this.spacegallery.origWidth - this.spacegallery.origWidth * el.spacegalleryCfg.minScale) * next;
                                                top: this.spacegallery.origTop + this.spacegallery.nextTop * now /100 + 'px',
                                                opacity: 1 - next,
                                                marginLeft: - parseInt((newWidth + el.spacegalleryCfg.border)/2, 10) + 'px'
                                            .attr('width', newWidth);

                return false;

            init: function(opt) {
                opt = $.extend({}, EYE.spacegallery.defaults, opt||{});
                return this.each(function(){
                    var el = this;
                    if ($(el).is('.spacegallery')) {
                        $('<a href="#"></a>')
                            .bind('click', EYE.spacegallery.next);

                        el.spacegalleryCfg = opt;
                        el.spacegalleryCfg.images = 3;                              
                        el.spacegalleryCfg.loaded = 0;
                        el.spacegalleryCfg.asin = Math.asin(1);
                        el.spacegalleryCfg.asins = {};
                        el.spacegalleryCfg.tops = {};
                        el.spacegalleryCfg.increment = parseInt(el.spacegalleryCfg.perspective/el.spacegalleryCfg.images, 10);
                        var top = 0;

                        $('img.aaa', el)
                                var imgEl = new Image();
                                var elImg = this;

                                el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr] = 1 - Math.asin((nr+1)/el.spacegalleryCfg.images)/el.spacegalleryCfg.asin;
                                top += el.spacegalleryCfg.increment - el.spacegalleryCfg.increment * el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[nr];
                                el.spacegalleryCfg.tops[nr] = top;
                                elImg.spacegallery = {};
                                imgEl.src = this.src;
                                if (imgEl.complete) {

                                    el.spacegalleryCfg.loaded ++;
                                    elImg.spacegallery.origWidth = imgEl.width;
                                    elImg.spacegallery.origHeight = imgEl.height
                                } else {
                                    imgEl.onload = function() {
                                        el.spacegalleryCfg.loaded ++;
                                        elImg.spacegallery.origWidth = imgEl.width;
                                        elImg.spacegallery.origHeight = imgEl.height
                                        if (el.spacegalleryCfg.loaded == el.spacegalleryCfg.images) {


                        el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[el.spacegalleryCfg.images] = el.spacegalleryCfg.asins[el.spacegalleryCfg.images - 1] * 1.3;
                        el.spacegalleryCfg.tops[el.spacegalleryCfg.images] = el.spacegalleryCfg.tops[el.spacegalleryCfg.images - 1] * 1.3;
                        if (el.spacegalleryCfg.loaded == el.spacegalleryCfg.images) {


         * Create a space gallery
         * @name spacegallery
         * @description create a space gallery
         * @option  int         border          Images' border. Default: 6
         * @option  int         perspective     Perpective height. Default: 140
         * @option  float       minScale        Minimum scale for the image in the back. Default: 0.2
         * @option  int         duration        Animation duration. Default: 800
         * @option  string      loadingClass    CSS class applied to the element while looading images. Default: null
         * @option  function    before          Callback function triggered before going to the next image
         * @option  function    after           Callback function triggered after going to the next image
        spacegallery: EYE.spacegallery.init
        easeOut:function (x, t, b, c, d) {
            return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
$('img.imaz').fadeOut(); means you are fading out every image on the webpage with the class imaz. To target specific images in a layer, for example, myGallery0, do $('#myGallery0 img.imaz').fadeOut();Nadh
What are you attaching your click to?Sampson
Yes i know, but i want it to b e universal. And i want to have one JS file for all of my galleries. How can I extract the ID, which should it work for?pawel
@JonathanSampson I attach it into "before" function which is launched before every slide in the gallery.pawel
@pawel Show us that code, please.Sampson

1 Answers


You can try to limit the matched image to the context of the current element by passing in this as the second argument tot he selector.

defaults: {
    /* options */
    before: function(){
        $('img.imaz', this).fadeOut();
    after: function(el){    
        $('img.imaz', this).fadeIn();

Whe we pass in this, as the second argument in the selector, we're telling jQuery to target "img.imaz", but only when it's found within this, meaning the current element being handled. In your project, this will be either #myGallery0, or #myGallery1.

You can learn more about the context argument online at http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/