I read a lot of documentation about Clojure (and shall need to read it again) and read several Clojure questions here on SO to get a "feel" of the language. Besides a few tiny functions in elisp I've never written in any Lisp language before. I wrote my first project Euler solution in Clojure and before going further I'd like to better understand something about map and reduce.
Using a lambda, I ended up with the following (to sum all multiple of either 3 or 5 or both between 1 and 1000 inclusive):
(reduce + (map #(if (or (= 0 (mod %1 3)) (= 0 (mod %1 5))) %1 0) (range 1 1000)))
I put it on one line because I wrote it on the REPL (and it gives the correct solution).
Without the lambda, I wrote this:
(defn val [x] (if (or (= 0 (mod x 3)) (= 0 (mod x 5))) x 0))
And then I compute the solution doing this:
(reduce + (map val (range 1 1000)))
In both cases, my question concerns what the map should return, before doing the reduce. After doing the map I noticed I ended up with a list looking like this: (0 0 3 0 5 6 ...).
I tried removing the '0' at the end of the val definition but then I received a list made of (nil nil 3 nil 5 6 etc.). I don't know if the nil are an issue or not. I figured out that I was going to sum while doing a fold-left anyway so that the zero weren't really an issue.
But still: what's a sensible map to return? (0 0 3 0 5 6 ...) or (nil nil 3 nil 5 6...) or (3 5 6 ...) (how would I go about this last one?) or something else?
Should I "filter out" the zeroes / nils and if so how?
I know I'm asking a basic question but map/reduce is obviously something I'll be using a lot so any help is welcome.