Important update: I already figured out the answers and put them in this simple open-source library: Check it out, it will probably save you quite some time if you're having trouble with audio filters in IOS!
I have created a (realtime) audio buffer (float *data
) that holds a few sin(theta)
waves with different frequencies.
The code below shows how I created my buffer, and I've tried to do a bandpass filter but it just turns the signals to noise/blips:
// Multiple signal generator
__block float *phases = nil;
[audioManager setOutputBlock:^(float *data, UInt32 numFrames, UInt32 numChannels)
float samplingRate = audioManager.samplingRate;
NSUInteger activeSignalCount = [tones count];
// Initialize phases
if (phases == nil) {
phases = new float[10];
for(int z = 0; z <= 10; z++) {
phases[z] = 0.0;
// Multiple signals
NSEnumerator * enumerator = [tones objectEnumerator];
id frequency;
UInt32 c = 0;
while(frequency = [enumerator nextObject])
for (int i=0; i < numFrames; ++i)
for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < numChannels; ++iChannel)
float theta = phases[c] * M_PI * 2;
if (c == 0) {
data[i*numChannels + iChannel] = sin(theta);
} else {
data[i*numChannels + iChannel] = data[i*numChannels + iChannel] + sin(theta);
phases[c] += 1.0 / (samplingRate / [frequency floatValue]);
if (phases[c] > 1.0) phases[c] = -1;
// Normalize data with active signal count
float signalMulti = 1.0 / (float(activeSignalCount) * (sqrt(2.0)));
vDSP_vsmul(data, 1, &signalMulti, data, 1, numFrames*numChannels);
// Apply master volume
float volume = masterVolumeSlider.value;
vDSP_vsmul(data, 1, &volume, data, 1, numFrames*numChannels);
if (fxSwitch.isOn) {
// H(s) = (s/Q) / (s^2 + s/Q + 1)
// BW 2.0 Q 0.667
//The order of the coefficients are, B1, B2, A1, A2, B0.
float Fs = samplingRate;
float omega = 2*M_PI*Fs; // w0 = 2*pi*f0/Fs
float Q = 0.50f;
float alpha = sin(omega)/(2*Q); // sin(w0)/(2*Q)
// Through H
for (int i=0; i < numFrames; ++i)
for (int iChannel = 0; iChannel < numChannels; ++iChannel)
data[i*numChannels + iChannel] = (data[i*numChannels + iChannel]/Q) / (pow(data[i*numChannels + iChannel],2) + data[i*numChannels + iChannel]/Q + 1);
float b0 = alpha;
float b1 = 0;
float b2 = -alpha;
float a0 = 1 + alpha;
float a1 = -2*cos(omega);
float a2 = 1 - alpha;
float *coefficients = (float *) calloc(5, sizeof(float));
coefficients[0] = b1;
coefficients[1] = b2;
coefficients[2] = a1;
coefficients[3] = a2;
coefficients[3] = b0;
vDSP_deq22(data, 2, coefficients, data, 2, numFrames);
// Measure dB
[self measureDB:data:numFrames:numChannels];
My aim is to make a 10-band EQ for this buffer, using vDSP_deq22
, the syntax of the method is:
vDSP_deq22(<float *vDSP_A>, <vDSP_Stride vDSP_I>, <float *vDSP_B>, <float *vDSP_C>, <vDSP_Stride vDSP_K>, <vDSP_Length __vDSP_N>)
float *vDSP_A is the input data
float *vDSP_B are 5 filter coefficients
float *vDSP_C is the output data
I have to make 10 filters (10 times vDSP_deq22
). Then I set the gain for every band and combine them back together. But what coefficients do I feed every filter? I know vDSP_deq22
is a 2nd order (butterworth) IIR filter, but how do I turn this into a bandpass?
Now I have three questions:
a) Do I have to de-interleave and interleave the audio buffer? I know setting stride to 2 just filters on channel but how I filter the other, stride 1 will process both channels as one.
b) Do I have to transform/process the buffer before it enters the vDSP_deq22
method? If so, do I also have to transform it back to normal?
c) What values of the coefficients should I set to the 10 vDSP_deq22
I've been trying for days now but I haven't been able to figure this on out, please help me out!