I am calling read function to catch received packets if available. When there is no packet to get, i'm getting errno EAGAIN, but when network is disconnected I am also getting EAGAIN, so I am not able to difference both scenarios.
while ( ((n = read(sockfd, &(buffer[pos]), 1)) > 0) and not messageFound) {
//reading byte by byte
if (n == 1) {
// Some stuff..
// Never returning 0, but when returning negative values:
if (n < 0){
qDebug()<< "Read error #" << errno << ": " << strerror(errno);
if(errno != EAGAIN){ // It is always this error, so it's never entering here
qDebug()<< "Disconnected. Reason #" << errno << ": " << strerror(errno);
*connected = false;
Is there any way of checking if socket has been disconnected, or know if there is some packet available before calling read? (I tried with select but doesn't seem to work)