
I'm trying to use the Facebook Graph API to update a news feed post made on behalf of a user with a comment made by the same user. The user has granted me publish_actions, publish_stream and read_stream permissions and extended permissions.

I can do it by passing message and access_token only in the api explorer. When I try that on my server I get the following error:

{ error: 
   { message: '(#100) Invalid fbid.',
     type: 'OAuthException',
     code: 100 } }

This old question suggested that offline_access is needed to make this work.


Now offline_access is deprecated and not an option for new apps, is it possible to publish comments on a user's news feed as suggested by the documentation?


2 Answers


"publish_stream", "read_stream" permissions is enough for comment on user's feed. I've been using it this way and it works. plz note that graph api explorer allocates all permissions by default, you need to be able to test with your facebook appid

btw. if you are using web based apps, social plugins are much simpler and cleaner way https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/


Also, make sure you have checked out the latest documentaion on the API. (At the moment of writing it was at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/v2.0).

It looks like publish_stream was deprecated. In my project I had to change it to manage_notifications. But it depends on what you are trying to do, so double check with the docs.