Having the next XML(Idatzi.xml) :
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE markables SYSTEM "markables.dtd">
<markable id="markable_1" atrib="yes" span="word_1..word_4"> </markable>
<markable id="markable_2" atrib="no" span="word_6..word_7"> </markable>
<markable id="markable_3" atrib="yes" span="word_10..word_24"> </markable>
And the next PHP code:
$xmlIdatziDok = new DOMDocument();
if($xmlIdatziDok->load("Idatzi.xml") === FALSE){die('Error');}
$xPath_IdatziDok = new DOMXPath($xmlIdatziDok);
foreach ($xPath_IdatziDok->query('//markables/markable') AS $Idaztekoa)
$IdaztekoaID = $Idaztekoa->getAttribute('id');
$IdaztekoaAtrib = $Idaztekoa->getAttribute('atrib');
if($IdaztekoaAtrib != "yes")
$Idazteko->Attribute('atrib') = "yes";
I would like to know how to correctly write the next line of code in the PHP code:
$Idazteko->Attribute('atrib') = "yes";
It is obviously wrong written. What I would like to do is to change the "no" of markable_2 to "yes". Any idea?