I have a custom MKAnnotationView
. In its setselected:animated
method I'm adding to it a custom bubble loaded from a nib, adjust the annotationview's frame to include this view and redraw the annotation circle with other color, like this (first - not selected , second - selected, blue - frame, green - custom bubble view with alpha = 0.8, red - the annotationview):
It works fine, the bubble appears, and can be "closed" only by tapping outside of it (this is why I've increased the frame). I have some buttons on this bubble and they are clickable if there is nothing under the annotation just the map.
BUT when under the callout bubble there is another annotation I can click "through" the entire bubble. When I tap on one of the buttons, the tap highlight appears, but an other annotation gets selected because the didSelectAnnotationView
fires ...
I tried to make the bubble opaque/semitransparent, no luck; set exclusiveTouch on buttons, on the view itself, no luck; tried not to mess with frame, still can click through. Am I missing something ?
Edit : Shorter: Why can I click through a UIView
added in addSubview
in an MKAnnotationView if there is other MKAnnotaionView under this UIView ?
Details :
- (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated
initialFrame = self.frame; // save frame and offset to restore when deselected
initialOffset = self.centerOffset; // frame is correct for a circle, like {{2.35, 1.47}, {12, 12}}
if (!self.customCallout)
self.customCallout = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"CustomCallout" owner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:0];
// adjust annotationview's frame and center
// callout is 200x120, here frame is {{2.35, 1.47}, {200, 132}}
self.customCallout.exclusiveTouch = YES;
[self addSubview:self.customCallout];
has these :
self.canShowCallout = NO; // to appear the subview
self.exclusiveTouch = YES; // ...
self.enabled = YES;
self.opaque = YES;