I am wondering if I have a design flaw in my solution. Here's what I have:
=> pure poco. refs: none.Data
=> data access. refs:Entities
=> business logic. refs:Entities
- Manager Classes.
- ViewModels.
=> UI. Refs:Entities
ASP.NET MVC project as UI, Entities
project with no reference for holding pure POCO. Data
to access database and Service
for Business Logic (where my Manager classes are).
Basically, I have defined a Manager
class for every entity. For exmaple, I have a Message
entity with relation to a list of Recipient
entity. I have a MessageManager
and RecipientManager
class, responsible for both CRUD operations using Data layer and logical results (e.g. public List<Message> GetAllMessagesWithPermissionForUser(User user, Permission permission)
For my MVC project I have defined some ViewModel classes in Service layer to generate specific videmodels for my views. Since the viewmodels are using Manager classes, I have defined them in my Service Class. For example I have a MessageOperationVM
viewmodel which has a PermittedBoxesToSend
property. This property uses my BoxManager
class to get all boxes permitted for the specified message:
// Initialized by Catsle Windsor.
public BoxManager BoxManager {get; set;}
public List<Box> PermittedBoxesToSend
if(this._premittedBoxesToSend != null)
this._permittedBoxesToSend = BoxManager.GetPermittedBoxesToSend(this.Message);
I am not sure if using manager classes in Viewmodels are a good design. Although I've defined them as constructor/property setters to get populated with DI. Should I populate my viewmodels' properties in my controllers instead of defining properties and get rid of manager classes in my ViewModels?
public ActionResult ShowNewMessageDialog() { var messageVM = new MessageOperationVM() { new Message() }; messageVM = this.BoxManager.GetPermittedBoxesToSend(); }
using a manager class for each entity seems to make maintenance hard. (Although they all derive from a
class which shares the operations they have in common)- Is there any reconsideration worth mentioning in the above design?
Thank you.
based on eulerfx's answer:
The problem I have with your answer is: To construct a ViewModel, I have to call some service layer's methods. So I cannot construct my ViewModel just based on my poco entity. Do you suggest that I should construct those parts in controller as well? :
public ActionResult ShowNewMessageDialog()
var message = this.messageRepository.GetMessage();
var messageVM = new MessageViewModel(message);
messageVM.CustomProperty = this.messageManager.CallSomeMethod(message);
return View(messageVM);