
Drupal doesn't call my theme function for my form in my module.

I added the hook_theme in the .module file as this :

function agil_theme() {
    return array(
        'agil_list_form' => array(
            'render element' => 'form',

where :

  • agil is the name of my module (not my theme)
  • agil_list_form is the name of my form declaration (chich render with default theme)

I want to call a function to create my own markup, as this one :

function theme_agil_list_form($form) {
  $output  = "<table><th><td></td><td>".t('Title')."</td><td>".t('Link')."</td></th>";
    $output .= "<tr><td>";
  $output .= drupal_render($form['name']);

But Drupal is never calling this function... I cleared the cache but nothing..

Where do I miss something ?

I read also this about new theme declaration in Drupal 7 : http://drupal.org/update/modules/6/7#hook_theme_render_changes


1 Answers


All theme functions in Drupal 7 take a single array argument (usually named as $vars or $variables by convention), and that array contains the variables/render elements you've declared. The theme function itself would look like this:

function theme_agil_list_form($vars) {
  $form = $vars['form'];
  // Now manipulate $form

Also you need to tell Drupal that your form will be using this theme, by doing this in your form function:

$form['#theme'] = 'agil_list_form';