I'm trying to run an Excel macro from outside of the Excel file. I'm currently using a ".vbs" file run from the command line, but it keeps telling me the macro can't be found. Here is the script I'm trying to use
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("test.xls")
objExcel.Application.Visible = True
objExcel.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Test value"
objExcel.Application.Run "Macro.TestMacro()"
WScript.Echo "Finished."
And here is the Macro I'm trying to access:
Sub TestMacro()
'first set a string which contains the path to the file you want to create.
'this example creates one and stores it in the root directory
MyFile = "C:\Users\username\Desktop\" & "TestResult.txt"
'set and open file for output
fnum = FreeFile()
Open MyFile For Output As fnum
'write project info and then a blank line. Note the comma is required
Write #fnum, "I wrote this"
Write #fnum,
'use Print when you want the string without quotation marks
Print #fnum, "I printed this"
Close #fnum
End Sub
I tried the solutions located at Is it possible to run a macro in Excel from external command? to get this far (and modified of course) but it didn't seem to work. I keep getting the error `Microsoft Office Excel: The macro 'Macro.TestMacro' cannot be found.
EDIT: Excel 2003.