
I've a controller and some actions within. Am i able to call these actions as methods from another controller as if i would call this action with post params?

I'm using the grails paypal plugin and it has an action called "buy". I don't want the user to POST the product-data and information to the buy-action. I already know the things the user wants to buy and i want to call the buy-action within my Controller as i would call a normal method and then i want to redirect the user to paypal (to the url, the buy action returns).

I'm using grails 2.0 and newest paypal plugin.


3 Answers


No you cannot. You can tell from action A to chain to action B. But this is not calling it as a method, this will redirect the call to action B, you will not be anymore in action A's scope.

Maybe you can implement your action in a service. Then you can call it as you like from your controller's action


As per my knowledge, You can redirect your action to another action which belongs to other controller.

you can use redirect method for that.

"redirect(controller: 'abc', action: 'actionName', params: 'params')"

You may want to use chain(...).


Uses flash storage to implicitly retain the model following an HTTP redirect from one action to another.