I have an image (5x5)pixels with 3 values which value 0, 128, and 255.
I want to check the pixels of the index (1,1) to (1,5).
If there is pixel value 0 (black), then the pixels of the index (1,1) to (1,5) is changed to 128 (gray), if none, then the pixels are changed to 255 (white).
I want to do these steps again, checking of the index (2,1) to (2,5), (3,1) to (3,5), through to the bottom.
from the above problems, I get a solution like this:
mask = repmat(any(I == 0,2),5,1);
I(mask) = 128;
I(~mask) = 255;
but if I want to check pixels vertically, from the index (1,1) to (5,1), then to the right, the index (1,2) to (5,2), until the end. what's the solution?
Thank You
Regards, Wahyu