I have tabpanel, which contains a few tabs. I will be concentrating on the 6th tab here - navigatingPanels.js file. In this file, I have a card layout, so that the user can fill form1 & move to form2 on submission (slide to form2). I also have a docked toolbar, with a back button, so that the user can move back to form1 (if needed). It gives an error -
Uncaught Error: [ERROR][Ext.Base#callParent] Invalid item given: undefined, must be either the config object to factory a new item, or an existing component instance.
The app can be seen here - http://maalguru.in/touch/Raxa-70/MyApp/
Update - If I add one extra card to the concerned panel, & remove the form1 & form2 (required panels/cards), then it works fine. In this case I have to setActiveItem to the desired cards (form1 & form2). Changed Viewport - http://pastebin.com/P4k04dBQ Is there any solution to achieve with only 2 panels/cards ?
Ext.define('MyApp.view.Viewport', {
extend: 'Ext.TabPanel',
xtype: 'my-viewport',
config: {
fullscreen: true,
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [{
xclass: 'MyApp.view.navigatingPanels'
Ext.define('MyApp.view.navigatingPanels', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
id: 'navigatingPanels',
xtype: 'navigatingPanels',
config: {
iconCls: 'user',
title: 'Navigating Panels',
layout: 'card',
animation: {
type: 'slide',
direction: 'left'
defaults: {
styleHtmlContent: 'true'
items: [{
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'toolbar',
title: 'Registeration Form',
items: [{
text: 'Back',
ui: 'back',
align: 'centre',
//back button to take the user back from form2 to form1
handler: function() {
var form1 = new Ext.Panel({
scrollable: 'vertical',
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Form 1',
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
label: 'Name',
name: 'name',
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Save Data & move to form2',
ui: 'confirm',
//TODO add some action: to store data
//save data & move to form2
handler: function() {
Ext.getCmp('navigatingPanels').setActiveItem(form2, {
type: 'slide',
direction: 'right'
var form2 = new Ext.Panel({
scrollable: 'vertical',
items: [{
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Form 2',
items: [{
xtype: 'textareafield',
label: 'Message',
name: 'message'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Submit Data',
ui: 'confirm',
//TODO add some action: to store data
//action: 'Submit Data'
enabled: true
name: 'MyApp',
controllers: ['Main'],
launch: function() {
Ext.create('MyApp.view.Viewport', {
fullscreen: true