Hi I need copy folder which contains XML configuration files for IoC in Unit Test Projects to TestResults "output" directory. I use Visual Studio 2010.
Visual Studion solution has this structure:
- MyProject (Solution)
- MyProject.Tests (Unit Test Project)
- CoreSettings (folder which contains XML files, I need copy this folder to MyProject.Tests\bin\debug\TestResults\test_XXX\out)
- MyProject.Tests (Unit Test Project)
First I tried edit this two files:
- Local.testsettings
- TraceAndTestImpact.testsettings
I opened these two configuration files in VS and:
- chose Deployment >> Add Directory and added in both configuration files folder CorreSettings.
I ran test but folder CoreSettings was not copy to MyProject.Tests\bin\debug\TestResults\test_XXX\out.
I google it and found this https://stackoverflow.com/a/3588829/1110195.
So I edited these files :
- Local.testsettings
- TraceAndTestImpact.testsettings
And added this:
<DeploymentItem filename="MyProject.Tests\CoreSettings\" outputDirectory="CoreSettings\">
But it didn’t help.
I tried used attribute way.
on test class I added.
[DeploymentItem(@"MyProject.Tests\CoreSettings, @"CoreSettings\")]
But also this way didn’t copy folder CoreSettings to TestRestults\test_XXX\out.
In TestRestults\test_XXX\out I found and DLL’s but not CoreSettings folder.
All XML files in CoreSettings folder has:
- Build Action: Content
- Copy to Output Directory: Copy always
What I do bad? Thank you for help.