
I'd like to make my own text editor. I'm trying to follow the example of several other well established editors and use a hidden <textarea> and visible <iframe> combo.

I'm having trouble with the very first step of keying up the <iframe>. I can get execCommand to work on a contenteditable <div> to, e.g., make text BOLD but having trouble doing the same on the <iframe>.

Here's my HTML:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-bold">bold</button>
<textarea id="input" name="input" style="display: none;">Start typing..</textarea>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="javascript:true;" style="">  </iframe>

Here's my JavaScript:

    $(function() {
        var currentBtn;
        $("#input").focus(function() {
            currentBtn = this;
        $(".btn").on( 'click', '.btn-bold', function(){
            var $this=$(this);
            if($this.hasClass("btn-bold")){ document.execCommand('bold', false, null);}

I know I need to perform the execCommand on the iframe document and not the parent document but just not sure how to do this. Currently, this code doesn't allow me to keyup the iframe so can't test the effect of the bold button.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

If you're creating really a text editor (not a rich-text editor), the best solution to do it is use <PRE> (in actual page without IFRAME) as a text pad. With this element you can use real tabs too.Teemu
hi Teemu, i'd like to create a rich-text editor but thanks for the input, do you have any suggestions on how to keyup the iframe?tim peterson
Well, just like Derek says in the last comment, load a page in IFRAME, so you'll really have something to refer to. Then you've to learn a lot about selecting, TextRange-object and selection events etc. offered by jQuery.Teemu

2 Answers


Use Rangy and wrap <b> around the selection to bold. You can perform other tasks with this method too.

Demo: http://rangy.googlecode.com/svn-history/r511/trunk/demos/core.html


How to make iframe editable:

window.frames[0].document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].contentEditable = true;​

This might help.But it in in javascript and I am running it in google chrome.Here is the code:

  <input type="button" onClick="bo()" value="B"> 
  <input type="button" onClick="under()" value="U">
  <input type='button' onClick="f_size()" value="f_size">

<iframe name="richTextField" id="richTextField" style="border:#000000 1px solid; width:700px; height:300px;"></iframe><br> 
<input type="button" onClick="asd()" value="get_innerhtml"><br> 
<textarea name="myTextArea" id="myTextArea" cols="100" rows="14"></textarea>
richTextField.document.designMode = 'On';

function bo(){
function under(){
function f_size(){
    var size = prompt('Enter a size 1 - 7', '');
function asd(){

var text=document.getElementById('richTextField').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;