
I have some ssis packages & a cube to process in my job scheduled. When I process the cube in visual studio, its working fine even I tried it manually in analysis services of sql, it works there too. But my job fails saying the step of process cube.

Here is a part of the error message:

A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'dbo_Customer', Column: 'Updated_By', Value: '

Please help me.


2 Answers


I had done it at my own , One of my Excel templates have no value assigned in "updated by" column & so the database have no value in it. It coming as blank. so creating issue while processing cube.


you should read about the UnknowMember on the dimension. It is common to come across situations where you have a Fact not related to a dimension.

Basically what it does is when facing this situation, instead of breaking the refresh it will substitute the missing value by whatever you have configured on the UnknowMemberName (N/A for example)