i'm trying to build a R package, but it seems that there are some problems with the package dependencies. If I run the code in R, I need the packages "rgdal" and "rgeos", so for creatng the package out of it, I:
- Added the line "import(rgdal, rgeos)" to the NAMESPACE file
- Added the line "Depends: rgeos, rgdal" to the DESCRIPTION file
When I run R CMD check (after build) I got an error which says:
* checking package dependencies ... ERROR
Benötigte, aber nicht verfügbare Pakete:
'rgeos' 'rgdal'
See the information on DESCRIPTION files in the chapter 'Creating R
packages' of the 'Writing R Extensions' manual.
German part of the error: "Benötigte, aber nicht verfügbare Pakete:" = "Needed, but not available packages".
I've read the mentioned manual and know about the options of using imports, suggestes or enhances but i'm pretty sure that depends is the option i've to use, because in the functions of my code, i'm using external functions of this both packages.
What am I doing wrong?