Some background first.
Activity & Use Case Diagrams usually depict behaviour. Activity Diagrams usually describe a process (or a linked sequence of activities). Yours doesn't really do that. That's OK - as long as the diagram works for you that's fine.
It's also normal to design an Activity Diagram as the process to realise a Use Case. You're asking to go the other way. Again, not conventional - but not impossible.
Use Cases are normally written as verb statements and describe actions a User would want to perform (e.g. "purchase book", "checkout"). Yours are nouns.
OK - so to your question.
Identifying the Use Cases involves asking the question: "What can Users do?". Looking at your Activity Diagram, I'd guess the Use Cases would be something like:
- Take a Picture [with Camera]
- View Photos
- View Map
- View Current Location on Map
Each of those would be a Use Case. There are probably others (what can a User do with Favourites?) but that should give you the idea.