
I installed ImageMagick on Ubuntu server 10 by apt-get install imagmagick

but when I execute identify filename, I got an error

identify: no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/upload/0a2ff9ddd4f0510f7b1ff5a30f975c10' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/533.

I execute identify -list format, I don't see JPEG, PNG these common format in the list.

the full list of this command


How can I fix this problem?

Could you show the full error?Shiplu Mokaddim
@shiplu.mokadd.im it is the full errorguilin 桂林

1 Answers


Do you have libpng (e.g. libpng12-0) and libjpeg (libjpeg62) properly installed? Which Ubuntu version are you using? Which imagemagick version are you using? Are you sure your file /tmp/upload/0a2ff9ddd4f0510f7b1ff5a30f975c10 is a file, which identify should recognize?

In your apt-get command one "e" is missing in the package name.