If you paste the below into a RichTextBox, the CJK character and everything afterwards turns into a second font - SimSun.
Inserting a CJK character: 色
...makes this font change.
This affects the formatting of the RichTextBox in an unwanted way, and also massively slows down large copy/pastes.
I have tried setting the RichTextBox to use a unicode font such as "Lucida Sans Unicode", and also made sure the source I was copying from (Wordpad) was also using the "Lucida Sans Unicode" font. However, at the end of the day, when I paste to the RichTextBox, it forces the use of another font such as SimSun (or other fonts like "Shonar Bangla" or "Microsoft Himalaya" if we use another type of character).
Since "Lucida Sans Unicode" has them all, why can't it stick to the one font?
I noticed someone else also has a similar problem: RichTextBox - retain original formatting (font), even after paste
Unfortunately, the solutions on that page didn't work for me as I still find the RTB uses another font after the CJK character.