I need to save UDP packets to a file and would like to use the pcap format to reuse the various tools available (wireshark, tcpdump, ...). There are some information in this thread but I can't find how to write the global file header 'struct pcap_file_header'.
pcap_t* pd = pcap_open_dead(DLT_RAW, 65535);
pcap_dumper_t* pdumper = pcap_dump_open(pd, filename);
struct pcap_file_header file_hdr;
file_hdr.magic_number = 0xa1b2c3d4;
file_hdr.version_major = 2;
file_hdr.version_minor = 4;
file_hdr.thiszone = 0;
file_hdr.sigfigs = 0;
file_hdr.snaplen = 65535;
file_hdr.linktype = 1;
// How do I write file_hdr to m_pdumper?
while( (len = recvmsg(sd, &msg_hdr, 0)) > 0 )
pcap_dump((u_char*)m_pdumper, &m_pcap_pkthdr, (const u_char*)&data);
How should I write the global file header? If there is no specific pcap function available, how can I retrieve the file descriptor to insert the header using write()?