I do not think the key-pres? function below is working the way I expect it to. First, here is the input data.
Data from which cmp-val derived: ["2" "000-00-0000" "TOAST" "FRENCH" "" "M" "26-Aug-99" "" "ALL CARE PLAN" "MEDICAL"] Data that is missing the key (ssn). ["000-00-0000" "TOAST " "FRENCH " "RE-PART B - INSURED "]
The problem is, if I make one of the input's 000-00-0000 something else, I should see that conj'd onto a log vector. I don't, and I don't see it printed with the if-not empty?.
(defn is-a-in-b
"This is a helper function that takes a value, a column index, and a
returned clojure-csv row (vector), and checks to see if that value
is present. Returns value or nil if not present."
[cmp-val col-idx csv-row]
(let [csv-row-val (nth csv-row col-idx nil)]
(if (= cmp-val csv-row-val)
(defn key-pres?
"Accepts a value, like an index, and output from clojure-csv, and looks
to see if the value is in the sequence at the index. Given clojure-csv
returns a vector of vectors, will loop around until and if the value
is found."
[cmp-val cmp-idx csv-data]
(let [ret-rc
(for [csv-row csv-data
:let [rc (is-a-in-b cmp-val cmp-idx csv-row)]
:when (true? (is-a-in-b cmp-val cmp-idx csv-row))]
(vec ret-rc)))
(defn test-key-inclusion
"Accepts csv-data file and an index, a second csv-data param and an index,
and searches the second csv-data instances' rows (at index) to see if
the first file's data is located in the second csv-data instance."
[csv-data1 pkey-idx1 csv-data2 pkey-idx2]
(fn [out-log csv-row1]
(let [cmp-val (nth csv-row1 pkey-idx1 nil)]
(doseq [csv-row2 csv-data2]
(let [temp-rc (key-pres? cmp-val pkey-idx2 csv-row2)]
(if-not (empty? temp-rc)
(println cmp-val, " ", (nth csv-row2 pkey-idx2 nil), " ", temp-rc))
(if (nil? temp-rc)
(conj out-log cmp-val))))))
What I want the function to do is traverse data returned by clojure-csv (a vector of vectors). If cmp-val can be found at the cmp-idx location in csv-row, I'd like that assigned to rc, and the loop to terminate.
How can I fix the for loop, and if not, what looping mechanism can I use to accomplish this?
Thank you.