Trying to connect to exchange 2010 SP1 using EWS & VB.Net. When i try to use autodiscovery it works just fine. The problem being is it connects to my local exchange mailbox and thats not what i need. We have a mailbox that the exchange admins set up that all the programmers can connect to (call it TestMailbox). So when i do:
exchange.AutoDiscoverUrl("[email protected]")
It connects to my local mailbox rather than the "TestMailbox". I got the password for the TestMailbox NT account from our admin and tried all of the following:
exchange.Credentials = New WebCredentials("[email protected]", "Password")
exchange.Credentials = New WebCredentials("TestMailbox", "Password")
exchange.Credentials = New WebCredentials("TestMailbox", "Password","MyDomain")
exchange.Credentials = New WebCredentials("MyDomain\TestMailbox", "Password")
all of them fail. Say my NT username on my local net work is "User" i even tried:
exchange.Credentials = New WebCredentials("[email protected]", "MyPassword")
and it failed. I have been using the following Link for reference.
Edit 1: i have tried all the above with NetworkCredential rather than WebCredential and it still fails.