
I am trying to create an app on twitter. And when i login it gives me the following error -

Error- Authorize "" to use your account?

and i am getting following error in access request token (https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token)-

Error -Failed to validate oauth signature and token.

what i am doing is redirecting the user to:


Please help what to do? Thanks in advance.

Please post relevant code snippetsgiorashc
And More details regarding the integration of twitter with share kit visit reference link here bit.ly/IOwVeXNimit Parekh

4 Answers


Make sure you created the app on twitter without callback url, and in under settings its "Read, Write and Access direct messages".

follow these steps -

1) Create a new app on twitter without a callback url
2) After creating the app go to settings and set the access level to third radio button (Read, Write and Access direct messages)
3) download this project - https://github.com/mattgemmell/MGTwitterEngine and check in this project.
4) if the step 3 working then try to integrate this in your project

#define TwitterConsumerKey    @"Your app Consumer key"

#define TwitterSecretKey      @"Your app secret key"

#define TwitterCallbackUrl    @"Your app call back url which is inserted into the twitter app while created app"

Apply this it may be solve your problems.


These problem/error is generate......please check

1)your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret key

2)check your device time Zone(timestamp) means correct time

Click on the clock and then "Date & Time preferences" -Check "Set date and time automatically with: Apple Americas/U.S. (time.apple.com)"

3)replace it in SA_OAuthTwitterEngine.m file

self.requestTokenURL = [NSURL URLWithString: @"https://twitter.com/oauth/request_token"];
self.accessTokenURL = [NSURL URLWithString: @"https://twitter.com/oauth/access_token"];
self.authorizeURL = [NSURL URLWithString: @"https://twitter.com/oauth/authorize"];
#define kOAuthConsumerKey @"place your account consumer key"
#define kOAuthConsumerSecret @"place your authorized consumer secret key"

This will get when we login to twitter as twitter developer with your normal account.Create these keys,secret key in twitter account and work in your app.