Jlouro has the right idea except for looking at the mouse. Screen.Monitors[] contains information on each screen.
I have a standard procedure that goes through the list of monitors and figures out where the upper left corner is to decide what monitor to put it on. While my code does not center (I was simply after ensuring that the window is entirely within whatever monitor it came up on) the idea remains the same. Note that you must consider the case where the window shows up not on ANY monitor--I handle that by throwing it to the first monitor. (This would come about when the saved position is on a monitor that doesn't exist anymore--either removed or running on a different machine.)
It's been a long time since I messed with this, it hasn't given me any trouble in ages and so I haven't tested it on anything more recent than XP/Delphi 7.
Note that this is only about ensuring that the form is visible and entirely on one monitor, there is no attempt to center it.
Function PointInBox(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer) : Boolean;
Result := (X >= X1) And (X <= X2) And (Y >= Y1) And (Y <= Y2);
Function Overlapping(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22 : Integer) : Boolean;
tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2 : Integer;
Tx1 := Max(x11, x21);
Tx2 := Min(x12, x22);
Ty1 := Max(y11, y21);
Ty2 := Min(y12, y22);
Result := (Tx1 < Tx2) And (Ty1 < Ty2);
Function GetWhere(Form : TForm) : Integer;
Loop : Integer;
Where : Integer;
Where := -1;
For Loop := 1 to Screen.MonitorCount do
With Screen.Monitors[Loop - 1] do
If PointInBox(Form.Left, Form.Top, Left, Top, Left + Width - 1, Top + Height - 1) then
Where := Loop - 1;
If Where = -1 then // Top left corner is wild, check for anything
For Loop := 1 to Screen.MonitorCount do
With Screen.Monitors[Loop - 1] do
If Overlapping(Form.Left, Form.Top, Form.Left + Form.Width - 1, Form.Top + Form.Height - 1, Left, Top, Left + Width - 1, Top + Height - 1) then
Where := Loop - 1;
Result := Where;
Procedure GetLimits(Where : Integer; var X, Y, WWidth, WHeight : Integer);
R : TRect;
If Where < 0 then
SystemParametersInfo(Spi_GetWorkArea, 0, @R, 0);
X := R.Left;
Y := R.Top;
WWidth := R.Right - R.Left + 1;
WHeight := R.Bottom - R.Top + 1;
Else With Screen.Monitors[Where] do
X := Left;
Y := Top;
WWidth := Width;
WHeight := Height;
Procedure EnsureValidDisplay(Form : TForm);
Left : Integer;
Top : Integer;
Width : Integer;
Height : Integer;
Where : WindowPlacement;
GetLimits(GetWhere(Form), Left, Top, Width, Height);
Where.Length := SizeOf(Where);
Where.Flags := 0;
GetWindowPlacement(Form.Handle, @Where);
If Form.Left < Left then
Where.rcNormalPosition.Left := Left
Else If Form.Left + Form.Width > Left + Width then
Where.rcNormalPosition.Left := Left + Width - Form.Width;
If Form.Top < Top then
Where.rcNormalPosition.Top := Top
Else If Form.Top + Form.Height > Top + Height then
Where.rcNormalPosition.Top := Top + Height - Form.Height;
If Form.Width > Width then
Where.rcNormalPosition.Right := Where.rcNormalPosition.Left + Width
Where.rcNormalPosition.Right := Where.rcNormalPosition.Left + Form.Width;
If Form.Height > Height then
Where.rcNormalPosition.Bottom := Where.rcNormalPosition.Top + Height
Where.rcNormalPosition.Bottom := Where.rcNormalPosition.Top + Form.Height;
SetWindowPlacement(Form.Handle, @Where);