Sometimes my content has two columns otherwise 1 column.
One option is have base twig template and then ovveride the block of content and write
<div class="col-2">bla bla</div> <div class="sidebar">blah</div>
OR<div class="col-1">blah bal</div>
if i need 1 column. In this case the downside is that i have to write these stuff always.Another solution would be to have 3 basic templates 1) base , 2) one-col, 3)two-col and then ovveride the blocks i want. one-col would have( inner_content) two-col would have (inner_content) and (sidebar_content) with no downside apart that 2 more files.
Another solution would be to change only a twig variable that would change the class of the div col-2 or col-1.
What is the best solution here ? I think that having 3 templates is the best as it allows defaults etc when needed.. Any better solution ?