
I've got everything setup and working for MQTT now. I am using the IBM wmqtt.jar and the Mosquitto broker..

My Java Servlet creates an MQTTConnection to the broker and publishes under the topic "AndroidDeviceID/myAppName" ..

The Android client subscribes to that same topic...

It seems to me that if anyone knew the device name of my user, they could create a simple android app and subscribe to that topic on my MQTT broker. Then they get all the notifications (in this case instant messaging messages) from my users..

How is this properly avoided?

This link may be beneficial for MQTT and security concepts: hivemq.com/mqtt-security-fundamentalsDominik Obermaier

4 Answers


Mosquitto provides security through username and password authentication as well as limiting access to topics with access control lists. There are details in the mosquitto.conf man page: http://mosquitto.org/man/mosquitto-conf-5.html


ACL is what restricts clients subscribing to topics, i am using a auth-plugin to do so, here is the link mosquitto auth plugin


In general, MQTT keeps security very "light" as it was originally designed for use with closed sensor networks. It is down to the broker implementation to provide e.g. SSL and decide how to handle the username/password backend.

Encryption of message data is unlikely to ever be provided by the protocol itself and is something that is typically done at the application layer if this is critical.


If you need a more custom way of handling access control and permission of topics, try using the HiveMQ MQTT broker. Like explained in the documentation you can implement your own behaviour with a plugin. This approach allows you to completely decide how the authentication and authorization of clients, publishes and subscribes is handled [1]. If you are interested the best way to start with your own plugin is described here [2].

By the way, it is also very easy to configure TLS for HiveMQ [3].

Christian (HiveMQ Team)

[1] http://www.hivemq.com/docs/plugins/1.5.0/#auth-permission-chapter

[2] http://www.hivemq.com/documentations/getting-started-plugins/

[3] http://www.hivemq.com/docs/hivemq/1.5.0/#hivemqdocs_ssl_tls