
While plotting to a window in R, X11 kept hanging. These steps reproduce the error.


X11 window becomes active. Press [Apple]+[Tab] to go back to the terminal window.


Second X11 window becomes active. Press [Apple]+[Tab] to go back to the terminal window.

Making sure you are in the terminal and you are not holding down any keys, press [Apple]+[Tab] again to try to go to X11. The X11 is no longer responding!

Setup details: I am on OSX 10.7.3 with R and xorg-* installed through Macports. R.app in /Applications does not seem to have this problem. I can give more details if they will be helpful.

This is from Activity Monitor/inspect:

enter image description here

The sampling of the process is at http://pastebin.com/3rXM2BBn

Recommend you submit this to the R-sig-mac mailing list. But make sure you provide your version of R, your version of X11, and your hardware (CPU, Mac model). Also: does this happen if you use R.app instead of the command line? Do you actually get the "not responding" flag in the process monitor?Carl Witthoft
@CarlWitthoft, thanks! I might submit it to R-sig-mac, I just find it easier to update info and images here. Yes, activity monitor shows not responding.highBandWidth

1 Answers


Apparently, this is a bug in Apple's X11, which has been fixed in xorg-server. From the cross-post: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/33914