
I want to use the text input field seen here:


(It's the second text input field on that page.)

I have it working in other Rails apps but for some reason in my current one there is a several-pixel gap between the prepended label and the text input. I've installed simple_form with the --bootstrap option, and have verified that the Rails/haml/bootstrap/bootstrap-sass versions are the same as the working rails app.

I don't override any of the related css in my stylesheets (I commented it all out to be sure).

Any ideas why Bootstrap isn't behaving as it should?

Exact same issue here. The bootstrap examples page works fine, but in my 3.2 app I have 2-3 pixel gaps.Tim Fletcher

4 Answers


I don't really know what the problem is here, but I had the same thing.

Comparing the span.add-on tag I found that they had a float: left on theirs. I added that and it seemed to do the trick.

I also noticed they are using twitter 2.01. I'm using 2.02, so something might have changed.

EDIT: That messed up the append span.

.input-prepend .add-on,
.input-append input {
  float: left;

Is what I added. It doesn't feel right, but it's working for now. Hopefully someone else more knowledgeable of bootstrap can help out.


I have not looked at the changes to see why, but I can confirm that it works as expected in 2.0.1 and has the described gap in 2.0.2. To revert to the old, correct behavior you can replace the existing bootstrap-sass line in your Gemfile with:

gem 'bootstrap-sass', '2.0.1'

and update your bundle.


You need to add this: content_tag :span, "attribute", :class => "add-on", :style => 'margin-right: -5px;'


The accepted solution will cause problems if there is an error on the page due to validations. Simple_form actually has a wrapper that will allow you to do this and is much better when handling errors.

<%= f.input :name, :wrapper => :append, :class => "inline" do %>
    <%= f.input_field :name%>
    <%= content_tag :span, "@", :class => "add-on abbn" %>
<% end %>