I have been using the lib-svm binaries for classification of my data.
For training I use the below command
`svm-train.exe -s 0 -t 2 -c 0.03125 -g 0.25 file.train file.train.model'
and get the following results
optimization finished, #iter = 10
nu = 1.000000
obj = -0.625000, rho = -0.000000
nSV = 20, nBSV = 20
Total nSV = 20
Now since I am using the rbf kernel in training set do I not have to include that in test data ?
`svm-predict.exe -s 0 -t 2 -c 0.03125 -g 0.25 file.test file.train.model file.out'
and i get
Unknown option: -s
Using the above command without any parameters works fine....
But I wanted to know that does libsvm automatically use the rbf kernel for testing ?