I needed to do something similar, but it took some fiddling to make Crystal do what was desired.
My basic challenge was to display a "large" page header at the start of each "section" of a report, then switch to a one line page header for all other pages.
PHa has the large header. In the Section Expert, click on the conditional Suppress, add the following code:
Shared numbervar big_header;
big_header = 0; //suppress if big_header is off
PHb has the one line header. In the Section Expert, click on the conditional Suppress, add the following code:
Shared numbervar big_header;
big_header = 1; //suppress if big_header is on
For each report section, create a pair of formulas (you can't reuse them, you have to make a new pair for each), one to set big_header to 1, and one to set it back to 0.
shared numbervar big_header;
big_header := 1; //turn on big_header
shared numbervar big_header;
big_header := 0; //turn off big_header
Place the one that turns big_header on in an otherwise blank detail section (or group -- should work, haven't tested), format the formula to be suppressed, format the section to have a new page before if it's not the very first one on the report (Paging tab) and suppress blank section.
In the next detail (group) section (which should display stuff on the report), place the formula that turns big_header off. Again, format the formula to be suppressed.
Repeat as necessary. (My "turn the big_header on" formula also sets a string that is used in the common footer.)
Hope this helps!