
Our app generates an email that includes a link with a hash fragment.

  • When an Outlook 2010 user clicks the HTML link (within the <a> tag), the URL is opened but mysteriously excludes the hash fragment.
  • If the user clicks the plain URL (that Outlook converts to a clickable link), the full URL opens correctly.

Here is the relevant code from our Rails app, if that helps:

mail(from: @message.from, to: @message.to, cc: @message.cc, bcc: @message.bcc, subject: @message.subject) do |format|
  format.html { render text: @message.body_text }

Email message (truncated; using Twitter URLs in place of our app URLs, which follow a similar pattern):

Subject: Hello
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    <meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='content-type'>
    <table id='message_body_template'>
          <p><a href="http://twitter.com/#!/cnn" title="" target="">Click here</a> 
             to learn more.</p>
          <p>Plain text link: http://twitter.com/#!/cnn</p>

Click here opens the Twitter home page, while the plain text "link" opens CNN's Twitter page. Can anyone explain why?

Yes we just noticed this today in some versions of Outlook. Google brought me here so it's good to know others have also faced this.Simon East

3 Answers


Yes, the problem is unrelated to what back-end you use. It appears that (frustratingly) some versions of Outlook strip the hash portion of URLs.

My solution was to email a modified version of the link without the hash, and then redirect it to where it's supposed to go.

When I had the same issue in Laravel + Backbone I performed the redirect using this code in routes.php (equivalent to routes.rb in Rails):

// Redirect /password-reset/XYZ to #/password-reset/XYZ
Route::get('/password-reset/{any}', function() {
    $url = Request::url();         // Get full URL
    $path = Request::path();       // Get portion of URL after the domain name
    return Redirect::to(str_replace($path, "#", $url) . $path);

You won't be able to change how Outlook handles the link, but you can simply use https://twitter.com/cnn and twitter will then redirect to https://twitter.com/#!/cnn


Recently I had faced this issue, when I set the URL without any protocol. Later I tried adding the protocol to the URL and it began working properly.

I was creating the mail body part in the JS itself. Below is the initial code.

var link = window.location.host+'/#/somepage';

The working code.

var link = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host+'/#/somepage';

I hope this may help someone, who face the similar issue.