
I have a save button in MDI parent form and I want to call some method in the active MDI child form everytime the user click this button.

Suppose I have the activemdichild.name stored in a variable.

string name = this.ActiveMdiChild.Name.ToString();

And all my MDI child forms have a save method.

public void SaveForm()
//Some code here

How do I programmatically call SaveForm method?

If this aren´t best practices, what do you suggest?

What is the type of the Mdi forms?JaredPar
What do you mean with 'type'? public partial class EmpresasView : Form, IEmpresas ??Jorge Zapata
That's what I was looking for. I'll update my answerJaredPar

2 Answers


What about having your child forms implement an interface that defines the kinds of things you expect your mdi children to implement.

Such as:

  void Save()

public class MyChildClass : IChildWindow
  public void Save()

Then in your mdi parent form:

foreach (var child in MdiChildren)
  var childAsIWindow = child as IChildWindow;
  if (childAsIWindow == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a IChildWindow");
  // or you could just ignore them.


Assuming the type of the MDI Form children is MyMdiForm you can do the following

foreach (var form in MdiChildren) {
  var view = form as IEmpresas;
  if (view != null) {