I have migrated a Powerbuilder 9 application to PowerBuilder 12.5. After the migration, some functions are not working.
Following code is from a function which has blob argument blobi.
long ll_position, ll_start, ll_end
ll_position=Pos(String(blobi),'~f@1~r~n',1) //does not work.
The above line won't work in new version. I tried to check what value i get from ll_position:
messagebox("ll_position: ", ll_position)
In PB 9, it returns 1
In PB 12.5 it returns 0
Next step:
ll_end=Pos(String(blobi),Char(126),ll_start) //does not work.
I get following return values:
messagebox("ll_end: ", ll_end)
In PB 9, it returns 10
In PB 12.5 it returns 0
Next step:
dw_test.Object.numb[1]=Long(Mid(String(blobi),ll_start,ll_end -ll_start)) //does not work.
I get following return values:
long abc
abc = dw_test.Object.numb[1]
messagebox("dw value is: ", abc)
in PB 9 it returns an integer like 1234
in PB 12.5 it returns 0
Please help me regarding what is problem with the above functions and how can I change them to work with PowerBuilder 12.5. Thanks.