
This is essentially the same question as posted here: Animating a custom property in a CALayer over a year ago and hasn't been answered.

Im creating a custom layer and drawing a circle on it. I'd like to be able to animate the radius of the circle (and other properties later). From what i've read, i've set it up like so:

public class CircleLayer : CALayer

     //public float Radius { get;set; }
    //EDIT: I've now changed the radius field to what is coded below

        public float Radius;

    public float getRadius()
        return Radius;

    public void setRadius(float val)
        Radius = val;

    public float Thickness {get;set;}
    public CGColor Color {get;set;}
    public float GlowAmount {get;set;}

    private SizeF GlowOffset {get;set;}

    [Export ("needsDisplayForKey:")]
    static bool NeedsDisplayForKey (NSString key)


            return true; 
            return false;


    public CircleLayer ()
        if(GlowAmount == 0.0f)
            GlowAmount = 10f;

        GlowOffset = new SizeF(0f,0f);

    public override void DrawInContext (CGContext context)
        base.DrawInContext (context);
        PointF centerPoint = new PointF(125,125);//this.Frame.Width/2,this.Frame.Height/2);

        //Outer circle
        context.AddEllipseInRect(new RectangleF(centerPoint.X - Radius,
                                                centerPoint.Y - Radius,
                                                Radius * 2,
                                                Radius * 2));
        //Inner circle
        context.AddEllipseInRect(new RectangleF(centerPoint.X - InnerRadius,
                                                centerPoint.Y - InnerRadius,
                                                InnerRadius * 2,
                                                InnerRadius * 2));

        //Fill in circle


But it just doesn't work. I never get the radius key reported when NeedsDisplayForKey gets called (and prints them to the console). I can animate standard properties no problem (eg: scale)

Edit: Note that I can now successfully modify the value of the property Radius using SetValueForKey. If I do this I need to call SetNeedsDisplay() to update the screen, however i still cannot get the animation to work at all.

Edit #2: Sample attached: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8617393/GraphicsTest1.zip

Do you mind posting the entire sample?miguel.de.icaza
Hi, Thanks for the response. I've edited the question to include a link to a sample projectDermot

1 Answers


This has unfortunately been impossible to do with MonoTouch - but we've fixed it for the next beta (5.3.3) which will hopefully be released soon.

Once 5.3.3 has been released you can use this sample: https://github.com/xamarin/monotouch-samples/tree/monotouch-5.4/CustomPropertyAnimation to see how to do it.