I am using the library com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.FileTransferClient
to download the files from ftp server.
I am trying to retrieve the ftp file creation date using the method FileTransferClient getModifiedTime(java.lang.String remoteFileName)
But receiving the below error:
com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.FTPException: 550 command MDTM is not available for 'AAAA.BBBB.CCCC.DDDDDD.EEEEEEEEEE(0)'
I tried using the command quote mdtm 'filename'
from command line and same response.
Looked at both the links
But could not find any alternative or workaround for this..Any thoughts?
EDIT: Tried the command remotehelp
and below is the response :
214-The server-FTP commands are: 214-ABOR,*ACCT,*ALLO, APPE, CDUP, CWD, DELE, FEAT, HELP, LANG, LIST, MDTM, MKD 214-MODE, NLST, NOOP, OPTS, PASS, PASV, PORT, PWD, QUIT, REIN, REST, RETR, RMD 214-RNFR, RNTO, SITE, SIZE, SMNT, SYST, STAT, STOR, STOU, STRU, TYPE, USER 214-ADAT, AUTH, CCC, PBSZ, PROT, EPSV, EPRT 214-The commands preceded by '' are not implemented
As per the response server should support the command MDTM
..Am i doing anything wrong here?