I'm trying to use DUnit, which came with RAD Studio XE2, to unit testing a Firemonkey app (C++).
The problem is, DUnit is a VCL project, and this makes me unable to include the Firemonkey Unit Forms (ex.: UfrmMain.h) on the testing project.
Even if I separate the Visual with Logic (MultiTier/MVC), i cannot include any Firemonkey library into my classes (sometimes this would be useful, when there is a class "CustomDatabase" which have a object of type TConnection, that is only available in Firemonkey - of course only an example).
The testing is possible when i separate the firemonkey code completely and leave it on forms, and the logic/data kept on classes with pure C++ code.
So, this "handicap" is actually a good thing? Forcing me to work with MultiTier/MVC? (This thing in C++ is new to me) Or should i look for an alternative of unit testing, that lets me test forms too?
(Can you also recommend me some C++ project on github or code example which is separated in the mentioned way, where i can rely on?)