How can I override MEF composition so that if an importing constructor ask for a single dependency and there is multiple implementation of this required dependency it would take the implementation (export) with the highest priority (metadata)?
[ExportMetadata("Priority", 1)]
public class Service1 : IService
[ExportMetadata("Priority", 2)]
public class Service2 : IService
public interface IService
public class ServiceWithDependencies
public ServiceWithDependencies(IService service)
ServiceWithDependencies would normally not be satisfied since there is more than one implementation of IService. But I would like to modify MEF (override/intercept something) so that it would use the priority metadata and inject the implementation with the highest priority into the ServiceWithDependencies constructor.
Edit 1
I don't want MEF to dictate the way I do things. I want it to be invisible as much as possible. Furthermore, this is for a framework and I don't have control on how people will require dependencies. I need to support basic constructor injection. I know about [ImportMany], but this question is precisely about constructor injection.