
I'm using OpenCv. For the purpose of comparison, I have to fetch data about the color histogram of an image.

In detail, I have a large amount of images which I organize into many sub sets, each sub sets consists of a group of similar images. My destination is to be able to get a new image and determine the sub set it belongs to, based on color similarity.

Now, I know how to build the histogram of an image, but my problem is how to decrease as much as possible the affect of the image's lightness on the color histogram. I have thought about using cvEqualizeHist() before calculating the histogram, but since I'm pretty new in OpenCv I'm not sure what the best way is.

Any advise is very appreciated,


1 Answers


Transform your image from RGB to HSV color space using cvtColor() with CV_BGR2HSV or CV_RGB2HSV option. H, S and V stands for Hue, Saturation and Intensity respectively. Use color histograms in this HSV space and use only a couple of bins for V channel.